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Benefits Of A Prp Facial

Does your face look dull? Do your cheeks look sunken in? Are fine lines and wrinkles making you look older than you are? The face often shows the effects of age more than any other part of your body. A once vibrant face can begin to look tired, lifeless, and old. While procedures exist to address many of these concerns, you may be hesitant to undergo a surgical procedure. However, PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery offers a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facial, a non-surgical procedure that can rejuvenate and revitalize your face!

Will a PRP Facial Work for Me?

A PRP facial is a non-surgical way to address skin imperfections. If you have concerns about the tone and texture of your skin, the appearance of scarring or other facial blemishes, or a loss of volume and increase in skin sagging, then a PRP facial may be the solution for you. One of our experts at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery can help you determine if the procedure is right for you.

How Does a PRP Facial Work?

The PRP facial avoids a surgical procedure and instead starts with the injection of dermal fillers. These fillers work to restore volume in your face. In doing so, they minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and reduce the appearance of sagging skin.

After the dermal fillers are injected, your surgeon will harvest plasma through a standard blood draw. The plasma is then processed through a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells. Once the platelet-rich plasma is ready, it is injected into the desired treatment sites.

How Does It Help Improve My Appearance?

The plasma that is injected is highly concentrated with platelets. Growth factors contained in the platelets help to heal and regenerate damaged areas of the face. During your procedure, your surgeon will inject PRP into your targeted treatment sites to deploy the platelets specifically to the areas of identified need.

What Type of Recovery and Results Can I Expect?

Because the PRP facial is a non-surgical procedure, the recovery process is much less involved than with a traditional surgical facelift. You will begin to see a difference in your face immediately; however, you will also experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. As these subside gradually over the first few days after your procedure, your full results will become more apparent.

Your skin will continue to improve as the injected platelet-rich plasma corrects and restores the damaged tissues in your face. This procedure will aid in restoring a youthful glow to your face and defining your facial contours; additionally, the procedure can improve the appearance of scars and blemishes.

To learn more about how a PRP facial can benefit you, schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified physicians. Our office can be reached at (813) 400-1465.