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October 12, 2012 | Liposuction

Do you need a preop?

Our board certified plastic surgeons at Premiere Center for Cosmetic Surgery believe if you are a healthy person with no medical problems and no history of anemia, liposuction with the tumescent technique does not remove much blood at all especially if the tumescent has epinephrine in it, therefore, you are safe unless there is an excessive amount of liposuction, which I can consider in the range of 3 to 4000cc and then you probably should have a check. Typically those tests are for patients over 50 years old undergoing the procedure under general anesthesia should have EKG and CBC and SMA-7 test done prior the surgery. The safety of the patient should be number one priority. All women should have the pregnancy test done. If the patient has some health issues he/she should report it to his surgeon and discuss it with him. if you are healthy, most likely no tests are necessary. Please call our Tampa or Miami location to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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