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July 28, 2015 | Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover

Feel marvelous with a mommy makeover


mommy makeoverBeing a mom can be both rewarding and extremely exhausting. There are many sacrifices you make every day for your children, and the most common sacrifice is your physical appearance. While you may find the time to work out and eat healthy, there isn’t much more you can do to make yourself feel confident in your body. Pregnancy stretches the skin and muscles, causes fat accumulations, and may detract from the youthful perk and volume of your breasts. It often seems that no amount of diet and exercise can restore your pre-pregnancy body. It’s time you stopped sacrificing your self-esteem. See how a Mommy Makeover can help you reclaim confidence in your body.

The Breasts

You may find that after pregnancy and nursing, your breasts don’t look or feel as youthful as they once did. Oftentimes, the breasts sag and appear deflated as a result of the breast tissue weakening. Breast augmentation and breast lift surgery can help restore that youthful firmness and volume you may be lacking. Breast augmentation uses implants to increase the size and correct the shape of the breasts. Breast lift surgery is designed to correct sagging and reposition the breasts higher on the chest with a more youthful projection. Many women discover that correcting their breast issues helps them feel sexier and more confident.

The Tummy

As your belly grows to make room for your baby, the skin and muscles rapidly expand and stretch. The elastin in your tissues is like a sweater, and when it becomes stretched too far for too long, it can no longer regain its original shape. For this reason, it is common to have excess tissue and loose muscles after your pregnancy. Diet and exercise have little effect on sagging skin. Tummy tuck surgery tightens and tones your abdominal region. Through an incision made across your lower abdomen, the abdominal muscles are stitched together and excess skin is removed. Tightening the skin around your abdomen and waistline will have you feeling fit and fabulous.

The Overall Physique

You may also find that your body has accumulated fat deposits that diet and exercise do very little to reduce. Common areas are around the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. These fat deposits can prevent your clothes from fitting properly, making you feel dumpy and unattractive. Liposuction vacuum suctions out unwanted fat through tiny incisions. Removing excess fat can help you attain a slim physique and reclaim your self-esteem.
If you are new or experienced mom, it’s time to treat yourself. Regain a beautiful body and reclaim your confidence that you may have been sacrificing. Schedule your consultation at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery to discuss how you can benefit from a Mommy Makeover. Call our Miami office at 305-705-6152, our Tampa office at 813-400-1465, or fill out our online contact form here for more information.

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