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May 28, 2024 | Tummy Tuck

How Long Will My Tummy Tuck Last?

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Tummy tuck surgery is popular for patients with excess skin and fat around the abdomen. Since it can provide incredibly transformative results, many people want to know how long these results will last. This blog discusses when patients will be able to see their tummy tuck results, how tummy tuck results are long-lasting, and how to maintain your results best. 

Tummy Tuck Surgery 

Many people who get a tummy tuck decide on the procedure because it can dramatically improve the appearance of the stomach. A tummy tuck can remove sagging skin, eliminate stubborn stomach fat, reduce stretch marks, and tighten the abdominal muscles. 

Lots of people struggle to get the smooth, flat, defined abdominal contours that they desire, making tummy tuck surgery a popular procedure, especially amongst women who are trying to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. Before going into any surgical procedure, it’s important to know what results you can expect to understand what you’re getting into clearly and if your goals are attainable. 

When Will I See My Tummy Tuck Results? 

Immediately after your surgery, you will see noticeable changes to your abdominal area, but due to swelling, your full results won’t be completely visible. You also may not be able to stand up straight right after surgery, as discomfort will likely occur after your abdominal muscles have been tightened. 

The swelling will continue to go down throughout the first few weeks of recovery, allowing you to see your results better. Final tummy tuck results are typically visible once the recovery period is over, which usually takes six to eight weeks. However, full results can continue to develop over the next few months, up to a year after surgery. 

After your procedure, you can expect to have tummy tuck scars in the locations where incisions were made. These scars can be easily hidden with clothing and will fade in appearance over time. 

How Many Years Does a Tummy Tuck Last? 

Once your final tummy tuck results settle in, you’ll be able to enjoy and show off your smoother, flatter, and firmer stomach. Many tummy tuck patients are thrilled to finally have the abdominal contours they’ve always wanted and often feel much more comfortable and confident in their bodies. The transformative results make the tummy tuck recovery process worthwhile for many patients.  

Tummy tuck results are designed to be long-lasting and can be enjoyed for many years. Results may even be permanent if you stay at a stable weight. While you can expect your results to last a long time, it is essential to understand that tummy tuck surgery does not prevent natural aging from occurring in the treated area. As you naturally age, your skin will slowly sag, and your abdominal skin is not immune to this, even after a tummy tuck. 

How Can I Maintain My Tummy Tuck Results? 

Staying at a stable weight is the best way to maintain your tummy tuck results, as weight fluctuations can reverse them. This is also why it is important for you to be at or near your goal weight prior to surgery. Getting into the habit of eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly will be extremely beneficial both before and after your tummy tuck. 

Since weight fluctuations can negatively affect your results, it is highly recommended that women are done with having children before getting this procedure. After a tummy tuck, additional pregnancies will stretch the stomach’s skin and cause sagging after childbirth. Women who want to get tummy tuck surgery should wait until they are done building their families to get the best possible results. 

Have More Questions About Tummy Tuck Surgery in Tampa, FL?

To learn more about tummy tuck surgery and your options in Tampa, FL, call us at (813) 400-1465 or fill out our online contact form today! 

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