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Could A Tummy Tuck And A Breast Lift Complicate Future Pregnancies

The short answer is NO! Having a cosmetic procedure such as a tummy tuck and breast lift will not complicate future pregnancies, but any future pregnancies may undo the results from the procedure. If you are planning on trying for children within the next year or two, it is not recommended that you get the procedures done. However, if you do not plan on having children for several years then you should be able to have a reasonable amount of time to enjoy your results.

With that said you will be able to breast feed after the procedure and you not be at a high risk for a cesarean section should you become pregnant. If you are looking into getting a mommy makeover, both PREMIERE Center Tampa and PREMIERE Center Miami offer highly qualified and experienced surgeons who are capable of achieving great results. Call today for your complimentary consultation!