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How And Why Do You Massage Breasts After Breast Augmentation

Massaging your breast after a breast augmentation is done so that the pocket remains slightly larger than the implant. The best time to do this exercise is whenever you are in the shower—if you link it to a daily activity you will not forget to do it.

For patients who have tight muscles or implants that need help settling, it is recommended to massage your breast daily to help keep the implant “pocket” soft and open, resulting in a more natural look.

The implant is generally massaged up, down, inwards and outwards to keep the capsule from contracting down around the implant. This may also lessen the potential for capsular contracture. Generally, these are performed more aggressively during the first month after surgery.

Our staff at PREMIERE Center Tampa and PREMIERE Center Miami are ready and willing to answer any questions you have regards massaging your breast after an augmentation. Click to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our board certified plastic surgeons!