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How Can I Reduce My Man Boobs Without Surgery

Male breast reduction options depend on if it is fat or gland

First visit with your primary care physician to confirm there is no medical cause for your excessive breast tissue such as tumor, endocrine (glands), genetic or medications. Second, consider weight loss if you are at all overweight. Losing fat all over your body will also mean losing fat in your breasts. In addition,  testosterone is converted to estrogen in fat cells, so losing weight can theoretically help decrease the amount of estrogen that can contribute to male breast enlargement.   Usually, male breasts contain enlrged breast tissue and options to treat fat like Zerona or cool sculpting won’t give adequate results.  Even liposuction, Smartlipo, or Vaser lipo (all surgical options) treat only fat and usually aren’t adequate to give desirable results. Usually surgery involving liposuction and gland removal is necessary to give an attractive male chest.  Talk to a doctor that offers all options. At PREMIERE Center, we have been practicing the gynecomastia surgical procedure for over 19 years with our board certified plastic surgeons on staff ready to consult with you at either our Coral Gables / Tampa locations. Best of luck in your ultimate decision!