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Our faces play an essential role in conveying our emotions throughout everyday life. Over the years, expressions such as frowning, smiling, and even laughing can leave permanent marks on our skin. Fine lines, wrinkles, and creases in the upper half of the face are inevitable signs of aging. Yet these aging signs can be frustrating to deal with, especially when you feel that they make you look constantly angry or even older than your true age. Some people may feel that frown lines (also known as glabellar lines), crow’s feet, and forehead wrinkles alter their faces to the point where they no longer look like themselves.

Dysport® is a non-surgical treatment that smooths the appearance of crow’s feet around the eyes, frown lines between the eyebrows, and wrinkles on the forehead. Non-surgical treatments like Dysport® can provide satisfying facial rejuvenation for patients struggling with aging signs. PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery offers Dysport® injections in Tampa, Florida, to help patients restore their confidence in their appearance.

Dysport® Treatments

Side view of a female face Model

What Is Dysport®?

Dysport® is a non-surgical, injectable treatment that is FDA-approved to reduce the appearance of frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), crow’s feet, and forehead lines. This treatment is temporary and produces natural-looking results, allowing patients to still look like themselves without having prominent facial aging signs. Many patients choose Dysport® because of the long-lasting, stunning facial rejuvenation results it provides with minimal downtime.

What Are the Benefits of Dysport®?

Even though we all know that aging is a natural and inevitable part of life, it can still be challenging to face these aging signs daily. Some people are even genetically predisposed to fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead area, which can be especially frustrating. For those who are seeking treatment to reduce these aging signs on larger areas of the face like the forehead, Dysport® can be an excellent option.

Some of the benefits of Dysport® injections include:

  • Smooths out horizontal forehead lines
  • Minimizes frown lines between the eyes
  • Reduces wrinkles in outer eye corners (crow’s feet)
  • Minimal required downtime
  • Noticeable results soon after treatment



Adults who want to reduce the appearance of frown lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet may be good candidates for Dysport® treatment. Other factors that may determine your candidacy for Dysport® include:

  • Being in overall good health
  • Not being pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Wanting to temporarily reduce aging signs
  • Having realistic expectations for treatment

Schedule a consultation with PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery to learn if you’re a candidate for Dysport® injections.

Patients can choose to have Dysport® injections to treat forehead wrinkles, glabellar lines, or crow’s feet. Some patients may only have concerns with one area, while others may choose to treat all three areas. Since Dysport® is a temporary treatment, many patients choose to have repeated treatment sessions to maintain their results. Patients may be able to get an additional Dysport® treatment three to four months after their initial treatment session. During a consultation, you can discuss with your provider how often you’d like to have treatment sessions.

At the beginning of a Dysport® treatment session, ice may be used to numb the selected areas, or a numbing cream may be applied to make the procedure more comfortable. Next, your Dysport® provider will inject the treatment into the facial muscles responsible for the lines and wrinkles. The Dysport® treatment will target these selected muscles and minimize their activity, resulting in a reduction of facial lines. The procedure typically takes 10–20 minutes, making it a fast, effective treatment for people with busy schedules.

During the Dysport® treatment, patients may feel a slight pinching sensation as the injections go into the skin. However, this sensation is temporary and not felt after treatment is finished. There is minimal downtime associated with Dysport®, and many patients are able to resume their normal daily activities immediately after their treatment session. Patients are instructed to avoid rubbing their face for the first 24 hours after they’ve received treatment to avoid agitating the skin.

You will most likely begin to see your Dysport® results within 24 hours after your treatment session, with more noticeable results becoming prevalent after two to three days. The results will continue to develop, and you’ll be able to see your full results within two weeks after treatment. Dysport® results can be enjoyed between three and four months before additional treatments are needed for maintenance.

Interested in Learning More About Dysport® in Tampa, FL?

Are you ready to achieve a more youthful appearance and minimize noticeable forehead wrinkles? Call PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery today at (813) 400-1465 or fill out our online contact form to learn more about the possibilities of Dysport® treatments in Tampa, FL.

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