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Reshaping Your Body With A Brazilian Butt Lift

These days, there are all kinds of procedures for reshaping your body. One procedure gaining popularity is the Brazilian butt lift. This procedure is an excellent option with twofold benefits: it makes your derriere more noticeable and prominent while also slimming your figure by removing stubborn fatty tissue from other areas of your body.

How It Works

With the Brazilian butt lift, the goal is to create fuller, more prominent buttocks. To do so, liposuction is performed on designated areas of your body where there is unwanted excess fat tissue. The fat is carefully harvested, and then, through the fat transfer technique, it is strategically injected into your buttocks. We at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Miami and Tampa Bay have been performing this procedure to great success since 1994. This outpatient procedure takes several hours, after which the patient returns home for recovery.

Recovery and Results

After your surgery, there may be some swelling, discomfort, and bruising. To promote healing and reduce swelling, you will wear a special compression garment. For a full ten days to two weeks after surgery, you should not sit directly on your buttocks because this will inhibit healing and counteract the process of fat tissue absorption into the area. In other words, sitting during the first few weeks after surgery and prolonged sitting for the following weeks can negate the effects of the surgery by deterring the body’s ability to reincorporate the fat tissue. It’s best if you use a donut-shaped pillow to sit on when necessary, reduce sitting as much as possible, walk and stand as often as you can, sleep on your stomach for a few weeks, and continue to wear your compression garments for at least four to six weeks as your body heals and takes on its new shape.

Benefits Anyone Can Enjoy

There are a few clear benefits to getting a Brazilian butt lift. First, you get a bigger, rounder, firmer butt. Second, you have excess fat removed from areas such as the lower stomach, thighs, or around the hips. For men or women who feel like they had no butt or a flat butt, it creates a nice, soft shape that looks more natural. For women who wanted a curvier figure, a rounder butt will give them exactly that. For men who wanted to redistribute fat from their “spare tire” area and put it in a place that makes more sense, it creates a better proportioned physique. For anyone who previously found it particularly painful to sit on hard surfaces, having a plumper buttocks adds some nice cushion for comfort! And for anyone experiencing sagging buttocks, the Brazilian butt lift raises it and adds volume for optimal shape and placement.

If any of these benefits sound like something you’re interested in and you’d like more information, please contact PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. Call our Miami office at 305-705-6152 or our Tampa office at 813-400-1465, or fill out our online contact form for more information.