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So Exactly What Is A Mommy Makeover

So exactly what is a “Mommy Makeover”? It is a combination of patient-specific plastic surgery procedures that target and correct the changes of your body that occur as a result of having children, notably involving your abdomen (tummy-tuck and/or liposuction) and breasts (breast augmentation, breast-lift and breast reduction). The goal is to help you return to a more pre-pregnancy figure or better. Pregnancy affects to varying degrees your breasts, abdomen and even the distribution of body fat and so these are the areas that can be addressed. Other cosmetic procedures can also be performed at the same time to help you obtain the appearance that you have always desired.

Having a child is one of Life’s greatest gifts. However, for many women, it is difficult to regain the figure they had before pregnancy. Your breasts and tummy undergo a variety of changes throughout childbearing.

Fact is, pregnancy and raising children can have a significant effect on your body, which can be difficult to improve on your own. Even with the most rigorous exercise program and strictest diet, excess fat and loose skin may not be diminished as much as you’d hoped, in fact, it’s called “Diet and Exercise Resistant Fat”.

PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery offers procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck, breast enhancement (breast lifts, breast augmentation and breast reductions), vaginal rejuvenation, and more. Whether you need only a simple breast lift or full tummytuck & breast enhancement to achieve your Mommy Makeover. Our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons will help you achieve beautiful and natural looking results.