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What Can I Do About My Oversized Man Breast

Many men suffer from something called Gynecomastia, which means “women-like breast”. This condition is rarely talked about but is experienced by many. Fortunately this problem can be solved with a procedure called Gynecomastia, or male breast reduction. Our board certified plastic surgeons at PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery are well equipped to take on patients who need this procedure.

 A male breast reduction is performed similarly to a female breast reduction with the added exception of liposuction to the pecks. The surgeon will directly excise breast tissue, glandular tissue, and/or excess skin; which in some case may be enough. In other cases liposuction will be added to achieve a flatter, firmer and better contoured chest.

 A gynecomastia takes about two hours to complete, with minimal postoperative discomfort. Since male breast reductions are not often talked about it may be difficult to find an example. At we have a variety of before and after photos for men to browse and our board certified plastic surgeons have performed more than their fair share of gynecomastias. Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation at either our Tampa location or Miami location.