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What Profile Silicone Size Would You Need For A Breast Augmentation

For a breast augmentation the size and profile of the implant depend upon the size your shoulders, ribcage and the amount of breast tissue and skin you have in your breasts themselves.  A person with a narrow ribcage and very little breast tissue would require a High-profile implant and the size of the implant would be upon the request of the patient one must remember Silcone is slightly smaller than Saline and if a person requests a, let’s say a 300 that would be in the range of 300 cc. Anything larger than 390 usually with go into the D range.  If the patient has a large ribcage with no breast tissue then normally they require a medium High-profile depending on the size she wants but usually no smaller than 390 filled to 440 but if she does have breast tissue then it simply a Low-profile Silicone implant that would be in the same range. The best way to determine the type of implant and profile that would give you the result you’re looking for would be to come into PREMIERE Center for a complimentary consultation at either our Tampa or Miami location.