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When Can I Hold My Child After Mommy Makeover Surgery

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Congratulations! You have gone through the life-changing experience of childbirth and are now considering a Mommy Makeover to reclaim your pre-pregnancy body. However, you might be wondering how long it takes to recover and what to do if a little one (or ones) is constantly seeking your attention around the house.

Body contouring procedures, such as Mommy Makeover surgery, inevitably comes with an extended recovery period that prohibits strenuous movement, exercise, and even lifting. While this is not always a concern—if you have waited for your Mommy Makeover until after your children have grown, it can be challenging to navigate if you have young children at home.

What Kind of Recovery Should I Expect After a Mommy Makeover?

Body contouring procedures prohibit any strenuous movement or exercise immediately after the surgery. Since your Mommy Makeover included multiple techniques and treatment areas, you have to be very careful not to exert yourself too much during the first few weeks of your recovery.

Unfortunately, the physical demands of motherhood do not always allow for such an easy transition. Since young children require an extensive amount of lifting, carrying, bending, and playing, recovery after a Mommy Makeover can be difficult.

After a breast or body contouring procedure, women are instructed not to lift, carry, push, or pull anything over 10 pounds for at least four to six weeks, and as any mother can attest, that is far less than the weight of their child.

This means that if you have young children at home, you will not be able to lift or carry them for at least one month. While this may sound disheartening, it doesn’t have to be an ultimatum on undergoing a Mommy Makeover if you have toddlers. Instead, it is just something to keep in mind and prepare for.

What Can You Do?

If you are interested in a Mommy Makeover, it is essential that you have help at home. Having a few extra hands available to take care of your children’s needs and all other household chores will help make your dream of cosmetic surgery a reality.

And just because you may not be able to lift, carry, or chase your little ones around, it doesn’t mean that you can’t spend quality time with them. The downtime after your plastic surgery is a period when you can relax and take a break from your normal, hectic schedule. This means that you can rest with your children nearby. You can read or sing to them, watch their favorite shows, and keep an eye on them as they play.

What Can I Expect From My Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeover surgery doesn’t have to be reserved for mothers whose children are grown.

Pregnancy and childbirth take a toll on your body, from stretched skin to increased fat deposits, and Mommy Makeover surgery is a popular way to restore your body and self-esteem after childbirth.

So even if your children are young and seek your constant attention, recovery can still be managed.

Interested in Learning More?

At PREMIERE Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we are passionate about helping our patients feel good about themselves and their bodies. Please call or fill out our online contact form to schedule your consultation today.