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Which Is Better For Breast Augmentation Silicone Or Saline

The short answer is…“it depends”. The longer answer is, it depends on your particular body, the results you are seeking, and a lot of other factors. Both saline and silicone implants are FDA approved and come with a lifetime warranty. Both implants can give you a natural look and feel depending on the particulars of your body. Also the position of the implant in your breast can determine the feel and look of your breast. Saline and silicone both have their advantages and disadvantages which is why you should always consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. If you are interested in getting a breast augmentation going in for a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon will help you determine which implant is the best choice for the outcome you are looking to achieve. At PREMIERE Center our consultations are complimentary and our procedures have been Safe and Affordable for over 18 years!